
Each entity supports filtering the results, even on fields that are not present in the resulting entry.

You can see the full list of possible filters for each entity in the relevant API reference page.


The supported operators are described in the following table:

[eq]Filter <field> to be equal to the provided value.
[gt]Filter <field> to be greater than the provided value.
[ge]Filter <field> to be greater than or equal to the provided value.
[like]Filter <field> with a wildcard (%) to match the provided value.
[lt]Filter <field> to be lower than the provided value.
[le]Filter <field> to be lower than or equal to the provided value.
[ne]Filter <field> to be not equal to the provided value.
[nlike]Filter <field> with a wildcard (%) to not match the provided value.

Filter types

Each filter corresponds to a specific data type, and each data type supports specific operators, as can be seen in the following table:

Text[like], [ne], [eq], [nlike]
Number[eq], [gt], [ge], [ne], [lt], [le]
Enum[ne], [eq]
Date[eq], [gt], [ge], [lt], [le]


Filter <field> to equal <value>


Apply <operator> on <field> with <value>


Case sensitivity

Filtering on text fields is case-insensitive.

Filtering the same field multiple times

To filter by the same field multiple times, repeat the filter query parameter as many times as necessary.


Query parametersMeaning
? (empty)Default, all entries are returned.
?category=Computerscategory is Computers
?category[eq]=Computerscategory is Computers
?category[ne]=Computerscategory is not Computers
?category=Computers&category=Multimediacategory is either Computers or Multimedia
?osName[like]=Win%osName starts with Win
?osName[nlike]=Win%osName doesn't start with Win
?score[gt]=4score is greater than 4
?score[ge]=3&score[le]=7score is between 3 and 7 (inclusive)
?published[gt]=2022-02-28published is later than February 28th, 2022 (at midnight).